Sunday, November 3, 2013

Smoke Ecigs at workplace?

Most of the companies and manufacturing industries have banned smoking cigarettes in their premises. Also at some places laws have been passed restricting to smoke in such places. And if anyone wants to smoke, should smoke at a specific safe distance from the premises.
Also in the manufacturing plants and industries it’s a matter of health concern for the non-smokers especially. Keeping in view these facts smoking zones have been developed specially for the smokers whereas some companies and industries strictly follows no-smoking policy.  

Here comes the alternative of smoking electronic cigarette a healthier option for the smoking persons. These Ecigs are basically battery operated devices and the basic thing, does not contain tobacco. The device when lightened up burns out a small amount of fluid which in turn is inhaled by the smoker. As everyone knows e-cigs are a healthier alternative to tobacco smoke.

Also some of the associations and research authorities have found that smoking ecig is definitely a good option for the smokers and as they do go working at office, their colleagues getting affected by this smoke gets ruled out to quite an extent. It can also be smoked in the low ventilated places. It produces an odorless mist which gradually disappears in no time.

So, for the ecig smoker it is definitely good news to smoke at the work place as it mostly won’t harm the non-smokers/colleagues. So, have a step forward to electronic cigarette smoking by going green.