as the name says no smoke, no tobacco, no smell and no ash. A total opponent of
tobacco cigarette has gathered a huge applause from its smokers due to its
distinguished characteristics. It is handier to both smoker and non-smoker. The
time taken to light up a cigarette and preparation needed for that is ruled out
while smoking electronic cigarette.
Tobacco Cigarette adds to the list of toxic problems
the common additive of pollution in present times. While e-cigs adds negligible
pollution helping out in the long run helping both the user as well as nature.
One of the most striking features of e-cigarette is the number of flavors
it explores with to its user. Smokers get bored with tobacco and menthol after
sometime but they refresh themselves with different flavors like cherry, apple,
banana, green apple, pineapple, vanilla, etc.
These e-cigs are attractive and pleasurable in every
aspect of smoking. It is also affordable as compared to tobacco cigarettes
giving a smile to all the smokers who want to switch over to healthy smoking
and experience flavors too. E-cigs
thus are far better than tobacco cigarettes in each and every aspect while
comparing them.