Monday, November 11, 2013

E-Cigs Low Risk to Heart

A latest study has revealed that smoking ecigs is not injurious to heart and is more preferable over tobacco cigarettes. Cytotoxicity is the measure of materials likely to damage cells and tobacco cigarette has been found as a cause for this to quite an extent in comparison to electronic cigarette.

It’s a toxic substance that damages our heart cells and ultimately leading to its failure which is absent in electronic cigarettes. It is related to some burning of plant producing such toxic components. On testing e-liquid of electronic cigarettes it was found that they were far better than the tobacco cigarettes and produced very negligible amount of toxic components as compared to them.

The study mainly focuses on the impact of the e-cig as many flavors are available and it helps reducing the toxicity of the liquids. There are fewer risks to some of the e-liquids as compared to others but far better than tobacco cigarettes. Hence, the results are quite positive as related to electronic cigarette. Some of the e-liquids are even more harmful but the researchers are unable to find out the reason behind it. Although majority of ecig flavors, do not contain risks.

On the overall concluding part, the things that can be cleared are toxicity of electronic cigarette negligible as compared to tobacco cigarettes and they don’t harm heart cells too. Perhaps one should strongly go for electronic cigarette if he is on the path of tobacco smoking.