Sunday, February 9, 2014

Advantages of Using Electronic Cigarettes

An electronic cigarette is nothing but a battery operated device that consists of three major components namely an atomizer, a refillable cartridge and a rechargeable battery which is the most important component of the device. Since the battery is rechargeable, a smoker can save his money just by recharging the battery for next smoke.
While a smoker cannot do the same for tobacco cigarettes. it is advisable to buy electronic cigarettes because it does not contain tobacco which is the main cause of lung cancer. E cigarettes are smokeless cigarettes that release vapor after being inhaled. E cigarettes contain a substance called e liquid which is used In place of tobacco and contains nicotine that stimulates the sensation of smoking.
E liquid comes in a number of flavors which provides a wide range of selection to the buyer whereas tobacco cigarettes do not provide such benefits. The best ecig is the one which can help a smoker quit smoking by providing him the exact level of pleasure and satisfaction which he used to get from smoking tobacco cigarettes. E cigarettes can be smoked virtually anywhere while tobacco cigarettes are banned in public. Smoking cigarettes in public, sometimes leaves a bad impression on viewer’s mind as it is considered as a bad habit. Hence, it is completely safe and sound to use electronic cigars.